March Wrap-Up | Women’s History Month + hiatus announcement

Happy April!  We made it through another month, folks. And since you probably all saw the blog title, I should probably just get this out of the way to begin with. This probably won't come as a surprise to anyone who's noticed how little I've been posting lately, but yes, I'm going on a blogging … Continue reading March Wrap-Up | Women’s History Month + hiatus announcement

February Wrap-Up | snow days, mapmaking, and (of course) reading

Logically, I know that February is the shortest month of the year, so it shouldn't be a surprise when it ends sooner than I expect. But March sneaks up on me every time! How are we already in the third month of 2021?? So February was...a month. There were definitely some highlights, but there was … Continue reading February Wrap-Up | snow days, mapmaking, and (of course) reading

December Wrap-Up | well, I survived 2020

We did it, folks. We made it through the disgusting dumpster fire that was 2020. While I know that the changing of the calendar year won't make a significant difference in the world, it's nice to be able to kick the worst year of my life out the door and look ahead to something new. … Continue reading December Wrap-Up | well, I survived 2020

2020 in hindsight: more favorites + reading stats

Happy 2021! Before we move on to a (hopefully much better) new year, I want to look back one more time on my reading in 2020. The other day, I told you all about my top eight favorite books of the year, but there are so many more books that I loved and want to … Continue reading 2020 in hindsight: more favorites + reading stats

My top 8 books of 2020

Welcome to my last post of 2020! It feels appropriate to finish out a year full of bad by talking about the books that got me through and made it all somewhat bearable.  I've managed to narrow down the 99 (soon to be 100—I'm determined to finish one more before midnight) books I read this … Continue reading My top 8 books of 2020

October Wrap-Up | pumpkin spice existential dread

October always feels like it goes by too fast. That was especially true this year, because spooky season is one of the only things I had to look forward to so of course it had to go by too quickly. Also, I've spent the last four years dreading this November, which obviously meant that it … Continue reading October Wrap-Up | pumpkin spice existential dread

September Wrap-Up | falling into autumn 🍁

Wow, it's October. The pros: spooky season! Pumpkin spice everything! Halloween! Fall leaves and colder weather! The cons: the years really do start coming and they don't stop coming. September was yet another weird month. Here on the west coast of the US, we spent about a week completely covered in smoke to the point … Continue reading September Wrap-Up | falling into autumn 🍁

August Wrap-Up | less blogging, but slightly more reading

Taylor Swift was right: August DID slip away like a moment in time. I'm starting to feel like a broken record with these wrap-ups, because August was really just...another month. A month of waiting, of alternating between numb to everything that's happening and getting so angry I want to scream, a month of wondering if … Continue reading August Wrap-Up | less blogging, but slightly more reading